Critical and Analytical Reflections about Online Learning

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EDFD459 so far has been predominately a liminal space for me. Without even realising, I believe I have moved from level 2 (Online socialisation) of Salmons scale to level 4 (Knowledge and construction). The reason for this upward movement is because of the supportive structure of this course. With the forums and readings, the structure almost does not allow for you to fall behind or move on too quickly and it has a very subtle way of preparing you for assessment. Rather than getting all the information at once and doing what we want with it, we have been guided through our learning at a pace that allows us to keep up and do any extra research needed. It has also given us a gentle push into our online socialisation, encouraging cooperative learning through sharing our thoughts and providing feedback to each other.  Experiencing this guided learning space, I feel encouraged as a teacher to move at a pace suitable to students, encourage structured cooperative learning and to try my best to help them understand that the liminal space is a space we should not fear, but rather embrace. After all, the liminal space is learning, and it helps us grow, “Real learning requires stepping into the unknown, which initiates a rupture in knowing” (Land, Meyer & Baille 2010).


Land, R.; Meyer J. H. F.; Baille, C. (2010). Threshold Concepts and Transformational Learning (Vol. 42). Sense Publishers. 

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